I feel like I have been learning a lot over the year, especially this summer, as to what my limits are and what I am capable of. I've been learning a lot of this with my new job, internship and CLS (Community living support services). I have had this conversation frequently with my Mom about how I am stronger than I think I am. I noticed I actually put limits on myself and sell myself short sometimes. As we all can do.
What I'm saying is.. that each one of us has our own limitations, what we can handle, and our own struggles. When we learn to accept our limits, when we know what they are, we can move ahead of them. Of course, with God who is our strength can help us to get us to where He wants us to be. When we know what our limits are, we know what kind of help we need. I believe when we know our limits and what we are capable of we come to know our self and care for ourselves better. We can figure out how to work around our limits when we acknowledge them. Then we can look beyond our limits and fly beyond them.
In order for us to move beyond our limits. We need to push ourselves to do things that we thought we would never do, Things that make us anxious. We can't stay in our safe spot forever.

We need to push ourselves at least sometimes because it helps us grow and when we push ourselves more and get out there it actually helps us to realize that we are stronger than we thought we were before. I have been feeling like this in some parts of my life recently. Because I have a disability and some personal struggles I do have limits but it's also true we have a limitless God.
I have had a time in my life where for a while I didn't have a job and I didn't have that many things going on I believe it was because I was nervous to get a job it did feel good being in my comfort zone but I wasn't happy there. I didn't feel like I was getting much out of my life. Now things have changed for the good. My weeks have filled in more after a lot of patience and finding the right job and things to fill my time up with and I feel like every week now I am getting more out of my life. Plus, with my blog and writing for my book and youtube channel.
If your feeling bored or unhappy maybe it's God calling you to do something more challenging. Go to God for encouragment and find someone who will cheer you along the way. \