Do you have a passion for writing? Do you sometimes find it hard to keep on writing? Do you have a blog or a journal that you like to keep handy? Maybe you try and keep a normal schedule with writing or journaling but then sometimes you sit down with your cup of coffee and find your favorite spot where you like writing/journaling and sit down for a couple minutes trying to figure out what to write but then nothing comes to mind? Oh, I have had this quite a couple times on my writing journey. Having writer's block is nothing new. I have heard many times that good writers sometimes struggle with knowing what to write about. As you know it can sometimes make you look down on yourself when you know you have a blog to keep up on your blog posts and keep the ideas coming. It can even have you doubt yourself sometimes as a writer and make you think you are not good enough or that people are not going to keep coming to your blog if you don’t have anything up. Sometimes the pressure is real and can be disappointing.
But when you remember what you have written in the past and remember that you do actually have a story that God has given only YOU to write about and that only you can write about. Knowing that you have your own story and testimony from God should make us feel good inside. Ever since I can remember I have always looked up to writers (Christian writers in particular) and I knew I wanted to be like them and write as they do. I have always thought having a blog was cool and that getting my own book out would be awesome. I wanted to be like a Max Lucado or Joyce Meyer or Annie F Downs or Nick Vujicic, who I really look up too, When I was younger I would almost always carry around a journal or a pen wherever I went and would write stories about like 20 kids living in a mall, or someone wishing upon a star to meet Justin Bieber at a party that they were going to. I loved writing different kind of stories. Now as I have gotten older and have been through a lot of stuff I’m a more of a heart to heart writer and like being there for others and encouraging other people in my writing. I decided to write this post because I’ve had a hard last couple weeks with my writing. For example, going to 3 different coffee shops on a week and still not having any luck with writing. So I wanted to share with you what I have been learning in my writing journey and what to do when you have writers block. Because I know I am not the only one.
When you have writers block here are a couple of things that I have tried that work for me…
Go for a walk- Being outside getting a breath of fresh air and being in God’s nature is enough to clear our minds and calm down any frustration that we may have with our writing
2. Pray. When you are really struggling with coming up with ideas and your writing isn’t flowing as much as you want to pray to God and ask God for his help for He says in one of His verses… “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
3. Read a good book. As writers we need inspiration and help with our writing. Reading other books like christian books or whatever type of stuff you are reading. Read those type of books to give you some ideas to get your mind flowing
4. Do something you love. Do you like to draw? Knit? Read? Get some excercise or something like that to get your mind off of writing for a little while then get back to it
5. Read God’s word. When I am struggling with writing or my mind isn’t flowing. Reading the Bible for a couple days is enough to inspire me and to help get my mind flowing
I hope a couple of these tips has helped you. As being a writer myself and maker of YouTube videos and as someone trying to write a book I have to come up with a lot of ideas and keep my ideas flowing a lot of the time so I know the struggle it can be. I have always said that I have a love/hate relationship with writing. I love writing but sometimes I can have nothing to write about and just have bad days with writing. But as some of you know I have a passion for writing and encouraging others with my writing. So I keep at it. You should too. You never know who’s lives you could be touching and there is a reason that God gave you the story/testimony that He has given you for a reason. Keep it up writers!