My parents knew from a young age that something was different about the young Meghan. The young Meghan at ages 6-7-8 had no problem talking to people. Had no problem hanging out with friends and was free to be herself without being judged. The 6 year old Meghan tripped fell and her her head on a short wall and had to get stitches on her forehead while she was awake. The 8 year old Meghan accepted Christ into her life. The 10 year old Meghan had to wear an eye patch on her eye to help with her lazy eye. The 11 year old Meghan was diagnosed with 22q after going to many doctor appointments to figure out what was off with her. The 12-13 year old Meghan was just a kid and was trying to enjoy life and her school years. The 13-14 year old Meghan was uncomfortable in her own skin. I was struggling at school and knew something was missing. The 14 year old Meghan became curious about different religions and studied angels and chakras for a while. The 15 year old Meghan found out what was missing, God was missing in her life and she let Him in and started growing in the area of her faith and the Christian life. The 16-17 year old Meghan was struggling to fit in at school, she knew she was different from others, even her family. She encountered not too many nice people and even came across a few bullies. She was in a few plays at that age as well that excited her but also gave her a lot of anxiety but she pushed through. The 17-18 year old Meghan became really sick and was losing weight like crazy and was in bed for days on end and couldn’t figure out why she was sick. She also started a Youtube channel to help her along her journey and a blog to encourage others in their faith because she was inspired by other people who had Christian youtube channels and thought “I want that”. So she did it. The 18 year old Meghan was really sick and my parents say I was turning grey in bed and lost about 40 pounds in just a few months and didn’t know if God had a plan for her life and was sick,. She was lost and confused and thought God had forgotten about her. She then became pretty depressed for about a few months and didn’t understand why she was alive. The 19 year old Meghan started to really find herself and got lost in God’s promises and word and grew more comfortable with herself and the fact that she had a disability. The 20 year old Meghan was exploring life and really started to enjoy what God had given to her. The 21-22 year old Meghan understood herself more and her disability and knew when to ask for help when she needed it. She put together her own personality and found her style and became comfortable and confident in her own skin.She joined a program that helped her with her living independent skills because part of her disability she grows life skills slower then others but that’s okay. She also discovered God’s calling on her life and knew what God has called her to do. She was gaining fruits of the spirit and started living her best life that she hadn’t had before.
The 23rd year old Meghan is flourishing in who she is, is most confident in herself and life then she’s ever been with God’s help. She is thriving in the calling God has put on her life in her Youtube channel that has grown to 360 subscribers and her blog that is reaching people all over the world and is halfway through writing her book. She still very much deals with anxiety though that is apart of her disability but tries her best to push through it. She got her dream job at the perfect coffee shop which God provided. She does what she loves and wants to do despite her anxiety and fear and doesn’t let it hold her back. Most of the time….
Through out my whole life there has been ups and downs. Each stage of my life there was a reason for each season God brought towards me. Each stage of our lives has a purpose and draws us to the calling on our life. I am thankful for everything that has happened in my life even if it wasn’t always that good or even though I got sick and depressed for a while. I know that God had that happen for a reason. There was not even a moment in our lives that God has forgotten us and He did not forget to write your story. It says that God is there with us each step on the way and that when we have confidence in who we are and who God created us to be it leads us one step closer to flourish in the calling God has put on our lives.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6