We get so caught up with events, work, school, hanging out with friends or get caught up in a relationship. All these things are good but when we spend so much time on these things and forget to check how we are doing and how our heart is in other words...
How is your body feeling?
Are you feeling tired?
Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Is your mind racing with thoughts non-stop?
Are you confused?
Have you been putting all your effort into something worthy of your time?
Or are you wasting your time with things that wont fill you up and that aren't healthy for you?
I would say these are some pretty good and important questions to ask ourselves every now and then because it's important to take care of ourselves. I'm not only writing this for others, this is for myself as well. I think we get so caught up from stuff in our lives that doesn't matter like hanging out with friends who don't lift you up but put you down, netflix tv shows or movies we know aren't good for us.

For myself I haven't been doing a great job with filling my time and schedule up with things that are totally healthy for me. Or what I could say is I haven't been doing the actual stuff that I have been wanting to do. Like for example, I want to fill my time with Bible studies. reading fun books and more Christian books again, get in the zone of posting more youtube videos and blog posts. And working on letting God turn me into the women of God He has called me to be. You know,stuff like that. So I'm going to try and set a goal for myself and maybe you will want to join me... For this month, every other day I want to write in my journal about how I am feeling, remind myself about the stuff that matters and try and fit that more into my life. Will you join me? Let's keep in touch with our feelings, make sure our thoughts are positive, and make sure we are filling our time with things that matter. "Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it"