"Lord, I offer up this rebel heart So stubborn and so restless from the start I don't wanna fight You anymore So take this rebel heart and make it Yours
Father, I no longer wanna run You've broken my resistance with Your love And drowned it underneath the crimson spill So bend this rebel heart unto Your will
I give it over to You I give it over to You Your love is like an arrow, straight and true And now this rebel heart belongs to You"

I hope you all know who Lauren Daigle is... If you don't she is an amazing Christian singer who writes her own songs and has a voice similar to Adele but better! The lyrics to a song I just shared above is called "Rebel Heart" by Lauren Daigle and it is one of my favorites. This song popped up in my head earlier today and it kinda explains what I've been going through during this quarentine time. In a way I feel like I've been "rebelling" against God a bit. Like I haven't been spending a whole lot of time with Him and haven't read the Bible in quite a while. I've been doing lots of other stuff that won't fill up my spirit like... playing games on my ipad, reading worldly books, talking to friends more, and watching netflix shows like "Criminal minds" (which I love that show and I'm trying to watch all the episodes during quarentine). But because I haven't been spending a whole lot of time with God and praying and reading the Bible. I have at times been feeling bad. I've felt like I've failed God quite a few times. But, we are human and we fail and because we belong to God He will always be there to pick us up because we are chosen by God.
During this quarentine time have you been feeling like you've been falling away from God a little bit like me? Have you been wanting to do other stuff like watching netflix more then reading your Bible? Don't worry I'm with you on that. I just want to let you in on a little secret that it's okay to fail. Because guess what? We are human and we were born into a sinful world and we fail sometimes. And I've failed in my life about a thousand times, and will contine to fail. But like I said, God will always be there to pick us and draw us back to Him.
"A thousand times I've failed, but still your mercy remains"-Hillsong
Something you should know is that everyday is a new day that we get to try again and make God the center of our lives and focus. Of course, working on getting closer to God doesn't just happen overnight. It takes baby steps. So something you could do everyday to try and get closer to God and make Him the center is...
1.Pray when you wake up and just thank God for a new day and give Him control over your day
2.Read maybe 1 chapter in the BIble everyday or every other day
3.Something that I love to do is going on a long walk around my neighborhood and sometimes I won't listen to anything and just will pray about anything that comes to mind. It's so relaxing especially while listening to the birds and nature around you and taking in God's beauty
4.Take a minute everyday and remember the blessings God has given you
5. Journal out your thoughts and feelings about your relationship with God and what you wish to do to make it better