In this blog post is a safe zone to talk about your frustrations that you have been having. Because I am dealing with a lot and learning new ways of living. So make sure to participate in the comments or on my facebook page and get it off your chest and give it to God.

Since moving into “Homes giving hope” in August I feel like a new woman. With all my new responsibilities, learning new ways to live, getting the full experience with roommates, being a mama of a dog, working at Brody’s Be Cafe two days a week and “working” with my cousin Carly. As well as keeping up with a long distance relationship. So much has changed. I feel busier. Which I am not used to being so busy. I feel like I am not the same that I was since August. I wish I wasn’t so much in a hurry to move out of my parents house either. Now that I am a young adult and living on my own I feel different and am dealing with the “frustrations” of living on my own. I also feel like I don’t have much time to myself anymore either because of how busy I am. I feel like I need to spend more time with God too and I have been really lacking on that and I’m starting tot really hate it.I don’t have time to watch Netflix or read anymore really either. At the same time missing my family and missing seeing them everyday and dealing with anxiety randomly sometimes strongly when I live on my own. As well as money issues. I think it’s just a matter of making more time for myself and doing things and the right things that will help ourselves grow into who we want to be and do what we want to do for ourselves. In some ways I feel like this plant up above that's trying to grow but is struggling to get taller and is stuck in the middle of a "whole". Do you ever feel like that?
I also am learning how to live with other roommates and learning what and what not to do,. Also being sure to tell my roommates if something is bugging me. Which is hard for me to do sometimes because I can be too nice at times. So that’s another thing I am working on.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world” John 14:33
I feel like the verse above that I just shared is a really good reminder. I forget about these verses a lot. Even though we will have frustrations in life and God said we would have we can still have our “peace” in God and remember that God is stronger then any problems or frustrations that we face in this life. So we need to trust that God’s got us and is taking care of us and that we have our peace in Him and that He has overcome the world! We especially me need to remember we can’t go too far into thinking we can do things on our own. I have been thinking that way too much lately and have just been wanting to be “Miss independent” but then I end up making wrong choices for myself and not do what I need to do most “Spend time with God”. I think when we realize the issues we have in our lives at the moment we see what needs to be changed. We don’t go and change it right away because we are humans and we fail and sin but when we realize it’s time to make a change when we have fallen too far into something we have no choice to step up and say “this needs to be changed” not just for ourselves (Which is very important) but for our lives and those around us. We need to depend on God again and realize what’s most important. I have a goal where I will make more time for myself and spend time with God each day even if it’s reading devotionals in the morning and at night. Pray for 5 mins. Make more time for myself. And get things “My life” in shape again.
What are some things you need to work on?
What are you frustrated about in your life/?
What do you need to give to God?
What are some changes you need to make to help your life and yourself?